party that supplies
goods or services. A supplier may be distinguished
from a contractor or subcontractor or company or individual, who
commonly adds specialized input to deliverables. Also called vendor. Follow below steps to create
Supplier in ERPNext
1)You can
create New Supplier in ERPNext vai
2)In the
Supplier form you need add Supplier Name,Supplier Type,Supplier Details
Name-Enter the name of the supplier
Type-Select the supplier type like Distributor,Electrical,Services,Local etc.
If you
want you can also create New Supplier Type by clicking Create a new Supplier
Type in Supplier Type
when you
click on Create a new Supplier Type,you will get new window as shown below
As shown
in above figure in New Supplier Type add new supplier type and credit days and
save it.
You can
also create New Supplier Type via
Supplier details in Supplier form and save it. After saving it looks like
you create new supplier,ERPNext will create Accounting Ledger automatically for
supplier under Account Payable in the Company set in the supplier record.
5)You can
also create Supplier while entering new Purchase Order/Purchase
Receipt/Purchase Invoice
In the
above figure you can see while creating new Purchase Order we can create a new
Supplier by clicking create a new Supplier in Supplier field.
Hello, an amazing Information dude. Thanks for sharing this nice information with us. Klaviyo Expert